APJASS Vol. 6, Issue1(April 31, 2025), PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE : December 31, 2024Main Website: http://ascs.kr/index.asp APJASS (Asia-Pacific Journal of Applied Sport Sciences) is an open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal affiliated with the Asian Society for Sport Convergence Sciences (ASCS). It publishes scientific research findings in the field of sport sciences. The journals ISSN number, issued by the ISSN is 2733-4236.APJASS is currently accepting paper submissions. All submissions undergo a double-blind peer review process, involving two independent reviewers. The word limit for submissions is 6,000 words, excluding appendices, references, figures, and tables. To ensure the quality of submissions, students are not permitted to be the sole authors of submitted papers; at least one of the co-authors must be a faculty member.Additionally, Article Processing Charge (APC), originally set at $600, has been discounted to $350. Journal Main Web: http://journal.ascs.kr/index.asp Submission Guideline: http://journal.ascs.kr/html/sub08.aspAbout Open Access Publication Fee: http://journal.ascs.kr/html/sub11.aspPlease submit your papers to: http://ascs.kr/index.aspContact: ascs3651@naver.comLook forward to hearing from you soon. Brian H YimEditor in ChiefKent State University
e-Proceeding of 2024 5th Asia Sport Science Conference
Hello!We are glad to share the conference schedules. This schedule may be changed little. We will upload final schedules.Thank you.Organizing Committee
Dear Authors,APJASS Vol. 5, Issue3(December 31, 2024), PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE : August 31, 2024Main Website: http://ascs.kr/index.asp APJASS is an open-access refereed academic journal affiliated with the Asian Society for Sport Convergence Sciences (ASCS) that publishes the scientific research findings in Sport Science fields. The ISSN number issued by the ISSN is 2733-4236. APJASS is calling papers now. All submissions are subject to a two person blind peer review process. The submitting word limit should be a maximum of 6,000 words excluding appendices, references, figures and tables. For the purpose of ensuring the papers quality, students are not allowed to be only authors in the papers. It shall have at least one of your professors to be the co-author in your submissions. The journal publication fee is waived. Journal Main Web: http://journal.ascs.kr/index.asp Submission Guideline: http://journal.ascs.kr/html/sub08.aspAbout Open Access Publication Fee: http://journal.ascs.kr/html/sub11.aspPlease submit your papers to: http://ascs.kr/index.aspContact: ascs3651@naver.comLook forward to hearing from you soon. Brian H YimEditor in ChiefKent State University
Sports big data analysis competition for college studentsCommemorating 2024 5th Asia Sport Science Conference- Date: June 10 2024- Venue: Hoseo University- Participation qualifications: University Students